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Boulden Management Consultants

Management Skills  >  3-Day Courses

The Effective Team Leader

Boulden Management Consultants

Learn the key elements involved in running a high performance team

Three Day Course

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  • Acquire a toolkit of excellent communication skills
  • Learn to manage performance and give effective feedback
  • Run powerful and effective team meetings


This three-day programme provides practical help to enable Team Leaders, or those new to management, to appreciate the key elements involved in running a high-performance team. The training is based on applying Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques to leading and developing the team. The training provides participants with a toolkit of ten communication techniques and also looks at how to plan and run performance appraisal meetings, one-to-one reviews, counselling interviews and disciplinary hearings.

Learning objectives

By attending this highly interactive three-day course you will:

  • Appreciate what the Team Leader role involves
  • Discover techniques for managing the team dynamics within your work group
  • Acquire skills for effective delegation
  • Learn how to set SMART goals
  • Understand how to coach and counsel employees

Who should attend?

All existing and potential Team Leaders who want to acquire a methodical and professional approach to managing the employees in their team.

Day 1

The inner game of managing a team

The phrase the ‘inner game’ is a term borrowed from sports psychology. It is a reference to the fact that what is going on inside a person’s head (their state of mind) is crucial to good performance. Here we consider the role perception and beliefs of expert people managers.

  • Examining your current beliefs
  • Reviewing expert beliefs
  • Making changes that you feel are appropriate for you

Exercise: applying the ‘affirmations’ technique

Day 1 (cont)

Setting clear goals

The first aspect of managing a team is to make sure that they have a clear sense of purpose and direction.

  • Setting SMART objectives
  • Developing ‘Performance Dashboards’
  • Creating Action Plans

Exercise: using real-life examples to develop SMART goals

Day 1 (cont)

Team dynamics

Understanding the different values that team members can have and how that affects their contribution to the group, both in terms of the positive impact they can have and potential negative behaviour.

  • Understanding core values
  • Sources of conflict
  • Being aware of the contribution that each person can make to the group

Exercise: profiling team members

Day 1 (cont)

Training Matrix

A training matrix (or skills matrix) is a chart that lists the people in the department down the left hand side of a table and the key tasks of the department across the top. A series of ‘codes’ are then used to identify which people are trained in which tasks. This means that it is obvious where there are skills shortages and thus where training is required.

  • Example training matrix
  • Developing a training matrix

Exercise: drafting your own training matrix

Day 1 (cont)

Communication meetings – The team briefing meeting

Team briefing is a structured approach to communication within a company and/or a department. It is a drill, whereby the manager brings his/her team together and briefs them on the key things that are happening in the company and their department. This activity helps to (a) confirm the teams’ sense of shared identity and (b) gives everyone a common understanding of how the team is doing and what the priorities are.

  • Learning the 4P’s team briefing format
  • Running a Team Briefing Meeting

Exercise: planning and running a Team Briefing Meeting

Day 2

Communications toolkit

Providing managers with a toolkit of ten communication techniques so that they have the influencing skills to deal with a whole range of one-to-one meetings, interviews and interactions.


Being able to acquire and maintain a calm, rational state of mind.

  • Future pacing
  • Handling criticism with the bullet proof glass technique

Exercise: series of pair’s exercises to ‘drill in’ the tools for self-control

Day 2 (cont)

Communications toolkit

Outcome based communication

Putting your point of view across in a firm, clear and polite manner.

  • Behaviour labelling
  • Be specific
  • 3-step assertive technique

Exercise: series of pair’s exercises to ‘drill in’ the tools for outcome based communication

Day 2 (cont)

Communications toolkit

Gaining acceptance

Making it easy for the other person to listen to you and accept your point of view.

  • Constructive feedback
  • Broken record
  • Fogging

Exercise: series of pair’s exercises to ‘drill in’ the tools for gaining acceptance

Day 2 (cont)

Communications toolkit

Testing for understanding

Checking that you have fully understood the other person’s point of view and that they have understood you.

  • The listening funnel
  • Observing non-verbal behaviour

Exercise: role-play on using the listening funnel and observing non-verbal behaviour

Day 2 (cont)


It is important to ensure that employees are properly trained and continue to be developed so that they (a) feel valued and (b) can make a positive contribution to the work of their department. In this part of the course we review how to delegate tasks efficiently and effectively.

  • Planning to delegate
  • Running a delegation meeting
  • Handling common objections

Exercise: role-play running a delegation meeting

Day 2 (cont)

Appraisal interviews

Appraisals are about taking the time to sit down with employees in order to discuss (a) how they are getting on, (b) to identify what help they need to improve their performance and (c) organise for them to get any help they might need. It is an integral part of the process of managing people. By evaluating performance in a participative manner, managers are able to communicate with their people on how they are doing and what is expected of them in the future. They can give praise and encouragement for things done well and they can work on developing skills in areas where the employee needs support.

  • Company strategy and appraisals
  • SMART objectives
  • The three types of appraisal and when to use them
  • Structuring regular reviews
  • Conducting the annual appraisal meeting
  • Appraisals and behavioural event interviewing

Exercise: role-playing the annual appraisal interview

Day 3

Holding ‘1:1’ review meetings

How to manage individuals by giving them regular feedback on their performance and clarifying their goals and priorities in the job.

  • Frequency of the 1:1 interview
  • The importance of positive feedback
  • Nipping issues or concerns “in the bud”

Exercise: role-playing a 1:1 interview

Day 3 (cont)

Counselling interviews

Counselling interviews need to take place when (i) performance is below standard, (ii) there is a sudden change in behaviour, or (iii) tensions between team members become evident. The initial aim of counselling interviews is to identify the reason why a ‘problem’ is occurring and then to offer help and support so that the individual concerned can address it.

  • Professional Counselling vs. the manager using counselling skills
  • Six-stage counselling process
  • Developing SMART action plans

Exercise: role-playing the counselling interviews

Day 3 (cont)

Disciplinary interviews

Disciplinary interviews need to take place when (i) performance is below standard and there has been no improvement as a result of earlier counselling action, or (ii) the employee has engaged in some unacceptable behaviour e.g. rudeness to colleagues or customers.

  • The rules of natural justice and the legal framework
  • Gathering evidence
  • Running a disciplinary hearing
  • Possible sanctions and when to use them

Exercise: role-playing the disciplinary hearings


Feedback is based upon peer reviews using BMC assessment checklists. Completing the BMC assessment checklists is not only valuable to the people involved in a given case study, it also helps those completing them to gain an in-depth understanding of the building blocks that make up an excellent people manager.

Remote Training

All of our workshops can be delivered as Remote Training via e-learning modules plus Zoom based virtual workshops. Please see our Virtual Training page for more information.


Further information on this course is available by contacting
Boulden Management Consultants:
via our Contact form
Tel: 0844 394 8877