Tel: 0844 394 8877

Boulden Management Consultants

Leadership Capabilty  >  Half-Day Courses

Leadership Essentials

Training course in leadership

Appreciating how to provide dynamic and inspirational leadership

Half Day Course

Course Brochure Download
Leadership Essentials brochure
  • Learn to appreciate the leaders’ role in establishing a high performance ‘culture’
  • Deliver messages in the right way at the right time
  • Master tools for developing a Vision statement that connects with employees


This half-day management intensive workshop will dramatically improve your leadership skills; enabling you to create a climate that drives the team or organisation forward with energy and purpose. The workshop begins by covering the ‘golden rules’ or fundamental principles of effective leadership and goes on to explore the key aspects of organisation climate or culture that leaders operate on in order to achieve success for themselves, their people and their company.

Learning objectives

By attending this highly intensive half-day course you will:

  • Recognise your role as a leader and how that differs from the role of the manager
  • Understand what you can do to create an energising work climate for your team
  • Acquire an insight into six leadership styles and when to use them
  • Master a process for creating a compelling Vision
  • Grasp the ‘mindset’ of an outstanding leader

Who should attend the programme?

This course is for all those new to leadership who want to grasp the essential elements of leading others and for existing leaders who want to have a refresher on what the core element of the role is.


Characteristics of effective leaders

Reviewing the mindset of the inspirational leader.

  • Understanding the psychological aspects of being an effective leader
  • Examining your current beliefs & values

Exercise: making changes that you feel are appropriate for you

Leaders vs Managers

Understanding the key differences between the role of the leader and the role of the manager and to develop an awareness of how the leader can shape organisational culture and climate in a way that improves morale and enhances bottom line results.

  • Managers core functions
  • Leadership perspectives
  • Leadership and climate
  • Characteristics of a ‘good’ climate

Exercise: assessing the current climate

Leadership styles

Effective leaders adopt a range of behavioural styles that they use flexibly across a wide range of managerial and leadership situations. A key skill of the effective leader is to match the behavioural style to a situation. Thus the capacity to use the full array of styles is an important component in what determines a leader’s effectiveness.

  • Understanding the leadership styles
  • How leadership styles have an impact on climate

Exercise: self analysis to determine your preferred style

Creating a Vision

Effective leaders give their team and the organisation a clear Vision of what they should be trying to achieve. This picture of what the future should look like should be short enough to be communicated quickly and easily and motivate and inspire those that read or listen to it.

  • What is a Vision Statement
  • The ‘rules’ for an effective Vision
  • Example Vision statements

Exercise: analysing Vision statements



Feedback is based upon peer review using Boulden assessment checklists. Completing the assessment checklists is not only valuable to the people involved in a given role play or case study, it also helps those completing them to gain an in-depth understanding of the building blocks that make up effective leadership.

Remote Training

All of our workshops can be delivered as Remote Training via e-learning modules plus Zoom based virtual workshops. Please see our Virtual Training page for more information.


Further information on this course is available by contacting
Boulden Management Consultants:
via our Contact form
Tel: 0844 394 8877